sexta-feira, 4 de janeiro de 2013

A pedido de algumas PESSOAS este Blogue irá continuar por mais alguns MESES.
FELIZ 2013 :)


quarta-feira, 12 de dezembro de 2012

este blogue irá ser encerrado dentro de 1 semana.
obrigada a todos os visitantes pelo tempo dispendido.


domingo, 2 de dezembro de 2012

Thinking about Life and Love

Since ever I hear misaligned beliefs and statements about my loving nature.
I grew up in a family with disturbances at various levels and one day I realized that many of the blocks that appeared in
My Journey of Life and Mind stemmed this constant influence of some familiar elements and then in adolescence and adulthood, the various boyfriends.
Today ALMOST what I realize is that the lack of LOVE and money affect relationships and prevents the experience of affect, LOVE and GOODNESS, because it
causes resentment, pain, hurt and frustration.
The lack of money and LOVE creates distance between PEOPLE and creates cultural, educational and social barriers. From my personal observation and
experience, perhaps the ideal is that ALL PEOPLE have plenty of money and LOVE to live happily, FREE and LOVING with KINDNESS without
counting the LOVE and very little money they have at any given TIME.
But it's worth having LOVE or money if PERHAPS the important personal evolution is to have TIME to enjoy, to get to know and live?
There are those who still believe that we are more evolved since the beginning of civilization, but still exist today in the WORLD PEOPLE PASSING THE TIME
trying to SURVIVE. Among these PEOPLE and ANIMALS there should be few differences, as they, at any moment, are about to stop living as a HUMAN BEING or as

sábado, 10 de novembro de 2012

Kiss Tatoo


quarta-feira, 10 de outubro de 2012

Desde que me conheço como PESSOA que ouço sentenças, crenças e afirmações desalinhadas da minha natureza amorosa.
Cresci no seio de uma família com perturbações a vários níveis e a determinada altura entendi e tomei consciência que muitos dos bloqueios que surgiam no meu Percurso de Vida e Mente advinham desta influência constante de alguns elementos familiares e depois na adolescência e adulta, dos vários namorados.
Hoje QUASE que chego à conclusão que a falta de AMOR e dinheiro prejudica as relações e impede a vivência dos afetos, do AMOR e da BONDADE; num sentido geral causa rancor, sofrimento, mágoa e frustração.
A falta de AMOR e dinheiro cria distância entre as PESSOAS e cria barreiras culturais, educacionais e sociais. Da minha observação e experiência na 1ª PESSOA, talvez o ideal seja que TODAS AS PESSOAS tenham a abundância de AMOR e dinheiro para viverem felizes de forma LIVRE e AMOROSA, com BONDADE, sem contarem gota a gota o pouco o muito AMOR e dinheiro que possuem em determinado MOMENTO.
Mas do que vale ter AMOR ou dinheiro se TALVEZ o importante para a evolução pessoal seja ter o TEMPO para os conseguir e saber viver?
Há quem ainda acredite que estamos mais evoluídos desde o início da civilização, mas hoje ainda existem PESSOAS no MUNDO QUE PASSAM O TEMPO a TENTAR SOBREVIVER. Entre essas PESSOAS e os ANIMAIS devem existir poucas diferenças, visto estarem na iminência de deixar de viver como SERES HUMANOS QUE SÃO.

terça-feira, 7 de agosto de 2012


What is desirable then?
The obsessive interest for human affairs, along with a certain amount of compassion and moral convictions, they always have the experience of living something that must be translated into pigment or music or bodily movement or poetry or prose or something dynamic and expressive - this is what is desirable, if we regard with due seriousness our goals.
" Tennessee Williams (died 1983)

18 April

18 April :-) Happy day for all the dancers of the Universe!

To remember :-) Every day !!!!!!!!

William Saroyan wrote a remarkable piece on this subject: The purity of heart SUCCESS AS THE ONLY ACHIEVE THAT IS WORTH.
"While you are alive, ye shall live!"
The life is short and does not return. Will be flowing at the time of this writing and at the time you read me, the clock strikes loss, loss, loss, unless we engage with all our heart to oppose him, TENNESSEE WILLIAMS

Is the Human Being almost extinct?

"Meals are things that people normally do on a day-to-day," I heard the other day. Well ... should be so for everyone, but it is not. HUNGER IS A REALITY AND MORE AND MORE PEOPLE ARE AFFECTED BY THIS FAILURE, before WAR and CONFLICT.
paints, clothes, makeup, shoes, furniture, technology are things to create performances. THE PERSON YOU ARE, only The PERSON, will need to eat to be able to execute the objectives performers? Does The Person need to eat to generate LIVE ENERGY?
Is people enough to "make a party"? (Or to what many call ... crap, jokes .. eheheheh ...)
Does a person without meals, DIES?
I have a great feeling of tiredness of living on my breath, for a moment, and feel that just a little bit of events are enough to take me to be quiet and silent.
The poor continue to be weak and stupid. And the strong eat the weak for breakfast.
I believe that LOCAL changes can produce GLOBAL changes! Have to justify every step I take, in order to survive it’s something ennobling to the human condition?
Phrases that fill me with EMPTY and NOTHING, in my condition of being human in danger of extinction:
"We can not have everything ". "You have to make sacrifices." "Being a mother begins to be considered DISEASE!"

And today what I said is enough.

sábado, 26 de maio de 2012

MAGIC SHOES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



26 DE MAIO DE 2012 SIGNIFICA ANIVERSÁRIO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                           MY BIRTHDAY DAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
CONGRATULATIONS TO MY MOTHER & MY FATHER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WHO DECIDED TO MAKE LOVE !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Amigos!! A CAROLINA ABRANTES VAI APRESENTAR UMA PEÇA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! AQUI ESTÀ ELA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! APAREÇAM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

A Carolina Abrantes está a encenar uma peça, pelo GERADOR TEATRO, que estreará no próximo dia 14 de Junho no Hangar Espaço Cultural, em Lisboa, Campolide:

"Loucos Por Amor" de Sam Sheppard

Ficha Técnica:
Encenação - Carolina Abrantes
Interpretação - Carol Vieira, Tiago Fernandes, Pedro Sousa e Andreya Silva
Produção - Ana Carolina Guimbra e Ruben Guerreiro